Survey Sites Overview

The following table describes each site sampled in the NSF Virgin Islands project. Sites are separated according to the type of data collected at each location. Sampling frequency, depth, and temporal and spatial scale vary by data type. The majority of local-scale sites are situated on the south shore of St John, while the landscape-scale sites surround both St John and St Thomas. Pins on the Google map are clickable, and describe the same information found in the table.

Site Type Site Name Sampling Frequency Years Active Island Spatial Scale Depth
Long Term Yawzi Annually 1987 – Present St John Local 9 m
Tektite 14 m
Recruitment White Point Annually 1994 – Present St John Local 5 – 6 m
Yawzi Point
East Tektite
Tektite West
Donkey Bite
Cabritte Horn
Random Neptune’s Table Annually 1992 – Present St John Local 7 – 9 m
White Point
Donkey Bite
West Little Lameshur Bay
Landscape Cocoloba Cay Every 5 Years 2011 – Present St John Landscape 10 m
Booby Rock
Haulover Bay
Waterlemon Cay
Whistling Cay
Magen’s Bay St Thomas
Inner Brass Cay
Botony Bay
Fortuna Bay
Flat Cay
Cow and Calves